Welcome to Terry’s Pierogi documentation!

So you want to know how to make pierogies? Good for you! Pierogi making is an act of love and each cook has her or his own way way of making them. Fillings can be sweet or savory. Do you slather with sour cream or butter? Boil and fry or just boil them? Make them by hand the old-fashioned way or bring it into the 21st century. These are all interesting questions and I cannot presume to answer them all. But this is a good starting place and you can explore other resources to expand your pierogi making expertise later.

Oh, wait, you don’t know what a pierogi is??? Every culture has a food like pierogi – you take dough and wrap it around some filling. Ravioli, pasties, dumplings, pot stickers, runzas – it’s all the same idea. A pierogi is the Polish version. It’s an everyday meal and a special feast all rolled into the most amazing delicacy. Enjoy!

My mother’s family immigrated from Italy, my father’s from Poland. While pierogies are quintessentially Polish, we take the pasta dough recipe from the Italian side of the family.

Indices and tables